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W JB Solutions mieliśmy już do czynienia z szerokim spektrum potrzeb klientów i za każdym razem stajemy na wysokości zadania.


We provide complex HR and payroll services to micro, small and medium sized enterprises. Our team will assist you with its knowledge and experience, as well as an answer for every HR and payroll concerning question.

Our HR-outsourcing services include:

  • Keeping detailed employees’ record (personal documents, pay cards, sickness benefits, working time records)
  • Composition of employment contracts, notices of termination and work certificates
  • Composition of civil law contracts (contract for specific work, civil contract) for employees
  • Payroll composition, settling Social Insurance Fund contributions and income tax for natural persons
  • Settling contracts for specific work and civil contracts.
  • Composing Social Insurance Fund, Fiscal office, Statistical office, PFRON declarations
  • Settling business trips
  • Composing vacation plans, keeping record of and settling vacations
  • Keeping record of sick leaves
  • Supervision of employees’ periodic examinations
  • Organising and supervision of OSH trainings
  • Producing employment and wage certificates
  • Providing employees with labour law and Social insurance related information.