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W JB Solutions mieliśmy już do czynienia z szerokim spektrum potrzeb klientów i za każdym razem stajemy na wysokości zadania.


What is a CFO?

It is an officer responsible for financial management in a company, planning and keeping record of finances as well as high degree reporting in an enterprise. For a CFO, it is neccessary to have the best possible qualifications and experience in finance and management departments. Their main role is to be a competent advisor to managers and owners of the enterprise.

Our main idea is to bring quality to business. We believe that micro, small and medium sized enterprises in order to achieve success, must receive the best possible quality as well as suport from their business partners. Along with our competent knowledge and experience, we offer an individual approach to each and every one of our clients.

When to employ a CFO? As soon as possible! Practically, however, it becomes a viable possibility when the business is big enough to sustain this costly from the employer’s point of view position.

A less expensive, but equally efficient and simultaneously safer from the personnel and competence standpoint alternative is our External CFO service.

Even in a small sized enterprise, a financial officer is a proactive position which ensures smooth functioning in the financial and budget departments. It may analyse risk, compose strategy, scrutinise the cost and effectiveness of given fields and implement expediting processes.

No matter where does your business stand:

Running a startup? Or perhaps a fully grown enterprise?
We will facilitate your company’s financial operations by making use of the best experts in this field, or assisting you with specialists and their experience in brand new procedure and reporting schemes creation, as well as training and supervising employees.

An External CFO is considerably less expensive, and equally efficient as well as safe in personnel and expertise domains alternative to the traditional CFO position.

Contact us to individually discuss the implementation of External CFO in your company.