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W JB Solutions mieliśmy już do czynienia z szerokim spektrum potrzeb klientów i za każdym razem stajemy na wysokości zadania.


Our main activities comprise accounting and HR services for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises and, in particular, housing communities, single-person businesses, limited liability companies, limited partnerships and joint stock companies.

Revenue and expense ledger/fixed rate

We offer comprehensive accounting services for enterprises which keep their accounts in form of revenue and expense ledgers.

By cooperating with us you can free yourself from the burden of having to do the paperwork. From now onwards the only thing you will need to do is to put your documents in an envelope and hand it over to us – we will take care of all the other things.

We can:

– check if accounting documents are correct in their form and figures,
– enter documents into tax records,
– maintain required registers (registers of fixed assets, intangible assets, equipment etc.),
– handle settlements with the tax office regarding personal income tax (PIT), goods and services tax (VAT) and other taxes,
– draw up reports and complete forms for the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the National Bank of Poland (NBP) and other state institutions,
– generate internal documents (invoices, debit/credit notes, journal vouchers etc.)
– produce sales invoices,
– represent customers before state administration authorities,
– handle tax audits,
– provide tax consulting services,
– provide legal services.


Books of account

Books of account, based on accounting evidence, are a more complex accounting method than revenue and expense ledgers. Providers of bookkeeping services are obliged to meet a number of requirements set forth in the Accounting Act. These enable us, however, to conduct a thorough review of a company’s financial condition.

The following types of companies have to keep books of account:
– body corporates – joint-stock companies (SA) and limited liability companies (sp. z o.o.)
– partnerships – limited partnerships and partnerships limited by shares
– general partnerships, other types of partnerships, civil law partnerships which generated the turnover of more than 2,000,000 euros, converted to/from the Polish currency, in the previous year.

Housing cooperatives/communes

If you have decided to work with us, you should appoint your contact person. This person will be responsible for delivering necessary accounting documents, calculating monthly rent rates for tenants etc. And we will take care of the rest.

Dealing with your backlog

You can feel calm, if you use our services. We are there to help you review your previous accounting settlements, identify and deal with any backlog in production and submission of accounting documents as well as check whether any required documents are missing.

By dealing with such backlog we will help you remedy any irregularities which may have arisen before. We will correct your documents to make them comply with legal provisions and your company will not have to face the threat of having some sanctions imposed on it as a result of audits carried out by the tax office, the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) or the Chief Labour Inspectorate.

We will deal with any backlog in your:

  • accounting,
  • taxes,
  • contributions to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS),
  • HR and payroll,
  • transfer pricing documents,
  • withholding tax obligations (WHT),
  • other.

Having a letter of authorisation with your signature, we can represent you when dealing with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) or submit a request to ZUS, on your behalf, for reconciliation of your company’s account. We can also help you obtain an arrangement for repayment of any due amounts in such instalments which would be convenient for you.

If you are not sure whether your accounting, HR or taxes are correct, contact us.