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W JB Solutions mieliśmy już do czynienia z szerokim spektrum potrzeb klientów i za każdym razem stajemy na wysokości zadania.

inwestycje jbsolutions

JB Solutions willing to meet its clients’ expectations created JBS Real Estate , an investment company providing attractive capital increase possibilities on the short term lease real estate market.

Investing in real estate is a fine way of achieving high return of investment. Furthermore, it is an excellent placement of private or company’s capital.

If you have free financial means at your disposal and you are wondering what is the best way of investing them, contact us!

Get to know more about the possibility of profiting on luxury immobilities tailored to short term lease. Every one of them is located in the most tourism-attractive locations, which ensures the success of investment. We can select the assets four our clients to enjoy a steady, 8% return of investment per year.

We want to provide the clients with competent and professional investment and estate service. It is our aim to manage your assets with equal meticulousness, as we handle our own.

In JB Solutions, we are experts in accountancy and tax planning fields. According to the sum and type of investment, we will individually advise the appropriate legal and fiscal form. Fiscal profit achieved through this management will considerably increase the return of investment through JBS Real Estate.

JBS Real Estate offers:

  • Possibility of real estate investment from 50 000 PLN onwards
  • Honesty and transparency on every stage of investment
  • Real estate investments in highly demanded localisations
  • Full assistance with procedure handling (counselling, legal and fiscal matters, accounting services)
  • Full safety of the means invested, based on verified immobilities
  • Attractive profit, proportional to the sum and investment period (even 8% per year)

Contact us in order to discuss the joint investment details!
